What is flexible working hours?

Picture of Pol Alcazar

Pol Alcazar

Flexible working hours have become one of the most requested strategies by both companies and employees. It refers to the ability of workers to adjust their work schedules according to their personal needs and preferences without affecting productivity or the results expected by the company. This approach emphasizes goal management rather than a rigid 9-to-5 schedule, facilitating the balance between personal and professional life.

More and more companies recognize that offering flexible hours not only increases employee satisfaction but also generates tangible benefits for the organization, such as increased productivity, improved talent retention, and greater operational efficiency.


Flexible hours: importance in the workplace

In today’s workplace, especially after the pandemic, companies have experienced a revolution in the way they work. Remote work and flexible hours are no longer just perks, but a necessity for many organizations seeking to attract and retain the best talent.

Offering flexibility not only helps improve employee satisfaction and well-being but also allows them to work during their most productive times with fewer distractions. A recent study shows that companies that adopt flexible hours have seen a 35% increase in employee productivity and a significant improvement in retention rates.


Types and options for flexible hours

There are several types of flexible hours that companies can implement, each adapted to the particular needs of the company and the workers.

·Flexible free schedule:

This is the most popular model where employees can adjust their start and end times according to their preferences, as long as they meet the total hours stipulated in their contract. It’s ideal for those with personal responsibilities requiring flexibility during the workday, such as childcare.


In this scheme, employees work fewer hours than a full workday, usually by personal choice or due to contractual agreements. This format allows companies to adjust resources according to operational needs.

·Job sharing

This model allows two employees to share the responsibilities of a single position. Job sharing is especially useful in companies looking to promote collaboration and offer flexibility without losing coverage during key hours.

·Compressed workweek

Here, employees work the same number of hours but in fewer days. For example, they may complete a 40-hour workweek in four days instead of five, thus gaining an additional day off. This option allows employees to have more free time without affecting company results.

Shift work

Shift work is a way of organizing work schedules so that business activities can be carried out continuously. Shifts are usually arranged in time blocks, allowing employees to rotate their work hours. This model is particularly beneficial for companies that need to operate 24 hours a day, such as hospitals, security services, and tech companies that provide global support.


Advantages of flexible working hours

The advantages of implementing a flexible working schedule are numerous, benefiting both companies and employees.

·Increased employee retention

Employees increasingly value flexibility at work. A study shows that 78% of workers would prefer to accept a job offer with flexible hours than one without. Providing this option helps companies reduce employee turnover.

·Attracting top talent to the company

Flexibility is one of the biggest attractions for high-performing employees. Offering flexible hours allows companies to attract top talent who value work-life balance.

·Improved productivity levels

Studies have shown that employees who have control over their schedule tend to be more productive. The ability to work during their peak concentration times increases efficiency and results.

·Work-family balance

One of the greatest advantages for employees is the ability to balance their personal and professional lives. Being able to manage both family and work responsibilities without conflicts improves workers’ quality of life.

·Reduction of general costs

Companies that adopt remote work or compressed work schedules can significantly reduce operational costs. By needing less physical space, electricity, and other resources, companies experience considerable savings.


How to create a flexible work schedule

Implementing a flexible schedule in a company requires planning and the use of the right tools.

·Communicate expectations

It is vital that both employees and employers understand the expectations related to performance and deadlines. Establishing clear goals helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures employees maintain their productivity levels.

·Use communication tools

The success of flexible work depends greatly on effective communication. Companies must equip their employees with management and communication tools that allow them to collaborate smoothly, even when not in the same physical location.

·Time tracking

It’s important to have tools that allow both employees and the company to track working hours and goal achievement. These tools not only promote transparency but also help improve efficiency.


Examples of flexible work schedules

Here are some practical examples of flexible schedules that companies can adopt to improve employee performance and satisfaction.

·Part-time remote work

Employees can choose to work from home on certain days of the week, while others are dedicated to office attendance.

·Full-time remote work

Here, the employee completes their entire workday from home or any location outside the office.

·Flexible start and end times

The worker can arrive and leave the office at the time that suits them best, as long as they complete their workday and fulfill their assigned tasks.

·Splitting work hours into blocks throughout the day

This method allows employees to divide their workday into several blocks, adjusting to their personal rhythm and family responsibilities.

·Full-time office work on different days

The employee can alternate the days they work in the office and the days they work from home.


Regulations on flexible working hours: What does Spanish legislation cover?

In Spain, regulations on flexible working hours fall under labor laws that aim to promote work-life balance. The legislation recognizes workers’ rights to adapt their work schedules based on family and personal responsibilities. Companies offering flexible hours must comply with occupational health and safety regulations while respecting workers’ rights regarding wages, benefits, and other contractual aspects.


How can Hybo help you implement a flexible schedule in your company?

At Hybo, we offer a comprehensive platform that allows you to manage flexible scheduling in your company effectively. Our software facilitates:

If you’d like to learn more about how Hybo can help you implement flexible scheduling and optimize resource management, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!

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